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Sponsorship levels have been revamped and now are as follows:


1500 rays, payable to Zaby_Home_Show.

Sponsor is responsible for the winner's announcement party, which consists of: 
Providing a LAG-FREE venue, DJ for 2 hours, a bulletin, and inviters/greeters. Dance teams not needed. Trivia will be done by Zaby Home Show staff and provided for by a trivia sponsor.

*NOTE* For those who are willing to sponsor but DON'T want to do the work of putting everything together, ask about a sponsorship package! We have a "menu" of venues and providers you can choose from and Zaby_Home_Show will do the rest. You do have to pay for the selections from the "menu", so you will be paying 1500 rays PLUS the expenses for hiring providers.


500 rays, payable to Zaby_Home_Show. Send your business logo when you send your sponsorship rays.


250 rays, payable to Zaby_Home_Show. Send your business logo when you send your sponsorship rays.


200 rays, payable to Zaby_Home_Show. Send your business logo when you send your sponsorship rays.

Your level of sponsorship determines how big your logo will be on all marketing materials, as well as how big it is in the venue for winner's announcement party. 

We do take payments on sponsorship. Make payments to: Zaby_Home_Show.


500 rays, payable to Zaby_Home_Show. Send your business logo when you send your sponsorship rays.

How it works: The "Master", which would be you, makes payable to Zaby_Home_Show the 500 rays then states what the challenge is. It could be a particular room or type of outdoor area, could be a room built around a certain kind of prop, etc. Once the challenge is issued, we then take entries at the same time the Zaby Home Show entries are being accepted. If someone else beats the "Master", they win the 500 rays and a MTM magazine cover. If you (the "Master") wins, you get the winning magazine cover BUT the rays are donated to Zaby_Home_Show for future show expenses.

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